
The Sujeeth Foundation envisions a collaborative educational landscape where students take charge of their own growth. To achieve this, we've partnered with accredited non-for-profit academic institutions that share our dedication to student empowerment.  To apply for the scholarship, please contact our partner.

If you want your accredited non-for-profit school to partner with us, please have the career office or the business development office reach us at

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Other Services

Besides scholarships, we provide students with books that teach the foundations of empowerment.  In addition, we host circles for students to practice the skills that they learn.  By owning your academic experience, you will more likely get a job that you want after you graduate.


Request to receive Angela Duckworth's "Grit," Carol Dweck's "Mindset," and John Stepper's "Work Out Loud."  Enhance your learning journey.  Equip yourself with valuable skills for personal and academic growth. 


Participate in our "Work Out Loud" circles to transform theory into practice, enhancing communication, collaboration, and the application of key concepts from books like "Grit," "Mindset," and "Work Out Loud" for real-world success.